No announcements at this time.
\nWe are having trouble loading this section. This could be because we can't find a record for you or we are having connectivity problems.
\nYou owe {{balance | toCurrency}}
\n \nWe are having trouble loading this section. This could be because we can't find a record for you or we are having connectivity problems.
\nA hold may be placed on your record for many reasons and can prevent you from registering, receiving your grades and transcripts, and more.
\nHold Type: {{item.holdType.description}}
\nReason: {{item.holdReason.description}}
\nPrevents: {{notNullOrEmpty(item.holdType.prevents)? item.holdType.prevents : \"N/A\"}}
Produce an unofficial audit of progress toward your undergraduate degree. Visit the Registrar's Degree Audit page for information about what you will see on the audit and how to either run a different program or add hypothetical courses before running an audit.
\n \nYou do not have any grades for this term.
\n{{course.subject.code}} {{course.courseNumber}} {{course.sequenceNumber}} ({{course.crn}}) {{course.creditHour}} hrs
\nThere is at least one hold preventing you from viewing your grades.
\nWe are having trouble loading this section. This could be because we can't find a record for you or we are having connectivity problems.
\nYou are not registered for courses this term.
\n{{course.subjectCode}} {{course.courseNumber}} {{course.sequenceNumber}} ({{course.courseReferenceNumber}}) {{course.partOfTerm}}\n [Auditing]\n
\nInstructor: {{course.primaryInstructor}}
\n\n {{sch.building}}\n {{}}\n {{sch.meetingDays}}\n {{sch.meetingTime}}\n
\nFinal Exam: No Final Exam Information Available. Contact instructor for details.
\nFinal Exam: \n \n {{item.location}} {{}} {{}} {{item.startTime}} - {{item.endTime}} ({{item.examType}})\n
\n \n \n
You can go to the Course Explorer for more information on your schedule and final exams.
\nFor deadline or refund information, refer to Refund information, if dropping some classes, or Withdrawal information, if dropping ALL classes.
\n \nThere was a problem uploading the document. Please check that your file was a pdf or jpg file and the size was not over 10mb.
\nFile uploaded successfully
\n\n Preferred Name: {{preferredName}}
\n First Name: {{firstName}}
\n Last Name: {{lastName}}\n
\n Mailing Address:
\n {{street1}}
\n \n {{street2}}
\n \n \n {{street3}}
\n \n {{city}}\n \n , {{state}} {{postalCode}}
\n \n {{nation}}\n
\n {{contact.emergencyContactName}}\n \n \n - {{contact.emergencyContactRelationship}}
\n \n \n {{contact.emergencyContactPhone}}
\n \n \n {{contact.emergencyContactStreet1}}
\n \n \n {{contact.emergencyContactCity}}\n \n , {{contact.emergencyContactState}} {{contact.emergencyContactPostalCode}}
\n \n {{contact.emergencyContactNation}}\n \n
No emergency contacts on file
\nWe are having trouble loading this page. This could be because we can't find a record for you or we are having connectivity problems.